As a consumer (gender-neutral name) every natural person is called who closes a legal deal for purposes which can be added predominantly neither her commercial ones nor her independent professional activity. Enterpriser is a natural or legal entity or a having legal capacity personal society which acts by end of a legal business in exercise of her commercial or independent professional activity. Being of the customers an enterprise or an enterpriser after o.a. Definition find §§312 B following Civil Code no application. Hence, a suitable cancellation right of the customer is excluded.
Consumers have the right to revoke this contract within fourteen days without giving reasons.
The cancellation term amounts fourteen days from the day in which you or one third named by you, are not of the Beförderer which have taken the last product in possession or has.
Around your cancellation right, have to go uns by means of an unequivocal explanation (e.g., a letter sent by post, fax or e-mail) inform about your decision to revoke this contract. They can use for it the enclosed pattern-cancellation form which is not prescribed, nevertheless. you send please your cancellation to:
CRP Fusion Europe by ProjectWorkers, Ruhlsdorfer Strasse 95, Building. 33, 14532 Stahnsdorf, Tel.: +49 3329 6984667, fax: + 49 3329 6909453, [email protected]
For the protection of the cancellation term it is sufficient that you send the communication about the exercise of the cancellation right before the cancellation term.
Results of the Cancellation
If you revoke this contract, we have to you all payments which we have received from you, including the delivery expenses (with the exception of the additional costs which arise from the fact that you have chosen another kind of the delivery than which from us offered, most favourable standard delivery) to pay back immediately and at the latest within fourteen days from the day in which the communication about your cancellation of this contract has come with us. For this repayment we use the same currency which you have used with the original transaction, unless, something else was agreed with you expressly; in no case remunerations are calculated to you because of this repayment. We can refuse the repayment, until we have got back the goods again or have produced to you the proof that you have sent back the goods, depending on which is the former time.
You have the goods immediately and, in any case, at the latest within fourteen days from the day in which you inform, born to us about the cancellation of this contract, in ProjectWorkers, Ruhlsdorfer street 95. 33, 14532 village Stahns, Tel.: +49 3329 6984667, fax: + to send back 49 3329 6909453, [email protected] or to hand over. The term is protected if you send the goods before the term of fourteen days. They bear the immediate costs of the return of the goods. They must arise for any depreciation of the goods only if this depreciation is not due to one to the check of the state, qualities and functionality of the goods necessary contact with them.
Pattern-cancellation Form
(If you want to revoke the contract fill you please this form and send back you.)
– To CRP Fusion Europe by ProjectWorkers, Ruhlsdorfer Strasse 95, Building. 33, 14532 Stahnsdorf, Tel.: +49 3329 6984667, fax: + 49 3329 6909453, [email protected]
– Herewith I / we revoke (n) (*) from myself (*) concluded contract about the purchase of the following goods (*) / the performance of the following service (*)
– ordered in (*) / receive in (*)
– name of the consumers (s)
– address of the consumers (s)
– signature of the consumers (s) (only with communication on paper)
– date
(*) stroke the Incorrect.
Special Tips
If you finance this contract by an advance and revoke him later, they are also not bound to the loan contract any more, provided that both contracts form an economic unity. This is to be accepted in particular when we are at the same time your lender or if your lender helps himself in view of the financing of our co-operation. If the advance is already run towards us with coming into effect of the cancellation, your lender enters in proportion to you concerning the legal results of the cancellation or the return into our rights and duties from the financed contract. The latter is not valid if the present contract has the acquisition of finance instruments (e.g., from securities, foreign currency or derivatives) to the object.
Wish you a contractual connection so extensively as possible avoid, make of your cancellation right use and revoke, besides, the loan contract if a cancellation right is also entitled to you for it.
Withdrawal created with Trusted Shops legal copywriter in cooperation with Wilde Beuger Solmecke Lawyers.