Contracting Partner
on basis of these general terms of business (Terms and Conditions) comes between the customer and
CRP Fusion Europe by ProjectWorkers
Represented by Frank Rudwinsky
Address: Ruhlsdorfer Strasse 95, 14532 Stahnsdorf
Tel.: 03329 – 6984667
Fax: 03329 – 6909453
E-mail address: [email protected]
Sales tax-identification number: DE260440046
in the following supplier called, the contract.
The supplier closes excluding contracts with natural people unrestrictedly capable of business who have completed the 18th year, or legal entities. If these conditions are not given, no contract comes about. As a result of that the supplier is entitled to demand the back winding up of all achievements.
Area of application
consumer is every natural person who closes a legal deal for purposes which can be added predominantly neither her commercial ones nor her independent professional activity. Enterpriser is a natural or legal entity or a having legal capacity personal society which acts by end of a legal business in exercise of her commercial or independent professional activity.
Being of the customers an enterprise or an enterpriser after o.a. Definition find §§312 B following Civil Code no application. Hence, a suitable cancellation right of the customer is excluded. Exclusively these general terms of business are valid for the business connection between the supplier and the customer (gender-neutral formulation) the in each case topically valid version. The customer can see the conditions of the contract any time on this web page. The supplier reserves himself the right to change any time these general terms of business including all possible arrangements or to complement. Compared with enterprisers these Terms and Conditions are also valid for future business relations, without we would have to point again to them. If the enterpriser uses conflicting or complementary general terms of business, herewith their validity is contradicted or they become only a contract component if we have expressly agreed to him. We do not recognise divergent conditions of the customer, unless, the supplier has agreed to these expressly and in writing before the order.
Contract end
The contract comes about in the electronic business dealings about the shop system or about other distant communicative devices like phone and e-mail. Besides, the shown offers show a non-binding request on the delivery of an offer with the customer order which then the supplier can accept.
The order process to the contract end encloses the following steps in the shop system:
- choice of the product, if necessary choice of other options regarding information of the order amount
- insertion of the offer in the goods basket
- announcing, alternatively as a guest or registration by the production of a free and non-binding account.
- operating of the badge ‘further’
- examination and if necessary treatment of the order in the goods basket
- operating of the badge ‘further’
- examination / choice of the method of delivery
- input of the calculation address and address of delivery
- operating of the badge ‘OK’ to the storage of the data
- operating of the badge ‘further’
- examination / choice of the method of delivery and the given address of delivery and calculation address
- operating of the badge ‘further’
- choice of the Bezahlmethode
- confirmation of the acceptance of these Terms and Conditions
- operating of the badge ‘at the owner’s expense order’
- payment winding up by the payment service providers PayPal, Stripe or other ones.
- examination of the order and all inputs
- confirmation mail that order has come
Orders can be given up beside the shop system also about distant communicative device (phone / e-mail) by which the order process encloses the following steps to the contract end:
- phone call with the order hotline / sending of the order mail / order by fax
- confirmation mail that order has come
With the sending of a confirmation of order the contract comes about. The automatically provided and sent order confirmation shows no suitable legally binding explanation. The contract also comes about by the sending of the product or performance of the service. The concrete order data are sent to the customer by e-mail. Possible part deliveries are arranged to begin with with the customer. The customer commits himself to decrease of the ordered product.
Contract end
When the contract with us comes about, is directed in the payment kind elective by you:
Credit card
With delivery of the order you transmit to us at the same time your credit card data. After delivery of the order you are passed on on the web page of the online supplier Stripe, where you the order to pay confirm. After your legitimization as a lawful map owner the payment service provider requests your credit card enterprise to the introduction of the payment transaction and we thereby accept your offer.
In the order process you are passed on on the web page of online supplier’s PayPal. There you can give your payment data and confirm the order to pay in PayPal. After delivery of the order in the shop we request PayPal to the introduction of the payment transaction and thereby accept your offer. Beyond it, the payment option Purchase on calculation is available to customer in Germany. Then the winding up occurs about PayPal PLUS as a payee. In this case PayPal checks the credit standing and makes available payment terms up to four weeks. You take details from our suitable calculation.
Amazon Pay
With delivery of the order transmit you to us at the same time your Amazon account data. After delivery of the order you are passed on on the web page of online supplier’s Amazon, where you the order to pay confirm in your customer account. After your authorisation the payment service provider carries out the introduction of the payment transaction and we thereby accept your offer.
Apple Pay
With delivery of the order transmit you to us at the same time your Apple Pay data. After delivery of the order you are connected by the online supplier Stripe with Apple Inc, which you the order to pay confirm. After your legitimization as a lawful account holder the payment service provider requests your credit card enterprise to the introduction of the payment transaction and we thereby accept your offer.
Google Pay
with delivery of the order to us at the same time your Google Pay data. After delivery of the order you are connected by the online supplier Stripe with Google, which you the order to pay confirm. After your legitimization as a lawful account holder the payment service provider requests your credit card enterprise to the introduction of the payment transaction and we thereby accept your offer.
With delivery of the order transmit you to us at the same time theirs IMMEDIATELY data. After delivery of the order you are connected by the online supplier Stripe with SOFORT GmbH, which you the order to pay confirm. After your legitimization as a lawful account holder the payment service provider requests your credit card enterprise to the introduction of the payment transaction and we thereby take your offer in./
The invoice amount is after access of the calculation which contains all information for the transfer and is sent with e-mail to transfer to the account given there to begin with. By use of a trust service / of payment service provider it allows this to the supplier and customers to unwind the payment together. Besides, the trust service / passes on payment service provider the payment of the customer to the supplier. You receive further information on the Internet site of the respective trust service / of payment service provider. On payment about credit card the customer must be the map owner. The load of the credit card occurs with order of the product.
The customer is obliged within 7 days on receipt of the calculation to deposit the stated amount on the account given on the calculation or to transfer.
with choice of one of the other payment options the accompanying calculation is provided immediately after the successful conclusion of the payment process and is sent to the customer by e-mail.
The payment is due from calculation date without deduction. At the end of the payment term which is determined therefore according to calendar the customer is behind also without reminder.
a retention right of the customer which is not based on the same contractual relationship is excluded.
The compensation with demands of the customer is excluded, unless these are indisputable or ascertained legally.
Retention of title
The product remains our property up to the entire payment. For enterpriser is valid in addition: We reserve ourselves the property in the product up to the entire settlement of all demands from a running business connection. They may resell the reservation product in the well-arranged business concern; you resign all demands originating from this resale – regardless of a connection or mixture of the reservation product with a new thing – by height of the invoice amount to us in advance, and we accept this cession. They remain authorised for the collection of the demands, we may draw demands, nevertheless, also ourselves, as far as you do not follow to your bills of debt.
The supplier reserves himself not to produce this in case of the non-availability of the promised achievement.
in the course of the contract end delivered declarations of intention of the supplier always occur under the reservation of the right and timely selfsupply through their supplier, unless, the supplier would have to represent any wrong delivery or non-delivery himself. If the realisation of a contract explains for the supplier – for example, on account of the non-availability of a certain product – as impossible, the supplier will immediately inform the customer over here. If necessary already occurred – partially or entire – consideration is immediately refunded.
by request of the customer within the scope of a being at hand contractual relationship produced payments in advance (concepts, draughts etc.) can be charged to the customer taking into account the respective time involved, even if it does not come later for the end of a contract between the parties, as far as the supplier does not have to represent this.
provided of the suppliers for the customer payments in advance of the abovementioned kind, so the results of working following out of this are to be released before the other contract realisation of the customer after check. The test term amounts at the latest two weeks from access of the results of working with the customer. At the end of the test term the release is valid as explained.
Prices, forwarding expenses, back end costs
All prices are retail prices and contain the legal sales tax. Beside the retail prices the other costs which are indicated before sending of the order result according to dispatch kind if necessary. Passing a cancellation right and is made by this use, the customer bears the costs of the return.
all quoted prices, also for packaging and dispatch, are valid only at the time of the order. With actualisation of this website all previous prices and other information about goods become invalid. The version valid at the time of the order is decisive in each case.
On pattern or individualised product the supplier grants no right of return.
Not free to the supplier skilful goods are not accepted.
Contract text storage
The languages available for the contract end are German. We store the contract text and send the order data and our Terms and Conditions by e-mail to you. You can see the Terms and Conditions any time also here on this side and download. You can see their past orders in our customer login.
Terms of delivery
Plus for the quoted product prices still come forwarding expenses. You find out further details to the height of the forwarding expenses with the offers. We deliver only in the dispatch way. Unfortunately, a pickup by the customer of the product is not possible. We deliver only to stack stations if a dispatch kind specially expels this Zustellweg. & nbsp;
Not individualised and in the camp product in stock is immediately dispatched after confirmed payment entrance. is valid with individualised product: The supplier takes care around the fastest possible contract winding up, nevertheless, can take over no guarantee for certain terms of delivery. The dispatch of individualised product occurs on an average at the latest after 14 working days after payment entrance and order clarity. The control delivery time for individualised product amounts 14 days if in the article description nothing else is given.e The supplier dispatches the order from own camp, as soon as the whole order is in stock there. The enterpriser commits himself to the delivery on the 30th day after confirmed payment entrance and order clarity.
The customer is immediately informed about delays.
Having of the suppliers a lasting obstacle of delivery, in particular higher power or non-supply by own supplier, although on time a suitable covering transaction was effected not to represent the supplier has the right to withdraw in this respect from a contract with the customer. The customer is immediately informed about it and received achievements, in particular payments, are refunded. & nbsp;
Damages in transit
Is valid for consumer: If goods with evident damages in transit are delivered, complain such mistakes please possibly immediately to the delivery agent and get in touch please immediately with us. The Versäumung of a complaint or establishment of contact has for your legal claims and their penetration, in particular your guarantee rights, no consequences. However, they help us to be able to assert our own claims towards the carrier or the transport assurance. Is valid for enterpriser: The danger of the accidental setting and the accidental deterioration goes over on you, as soon as we have delivered the thing to the forwarding agent, the carrier or, otherwise, for the implementation of the sending certain person or institution. Among businessmen is valid in §377 HGB regulated investigation and rebuke duty. If you omit from the display regulated there, the product is valid as approved, unless it concerns a lack which was not recognizable with the investigation. This is not valid, if we have hidden a lack cunningly.
Guarantee and guarantees
Until below expressly differently agrees, is valid the legal liability for defects right. For consumers the period of limitation amounts for fault claims with used things a year from delivery of the product. For enterprisers the period of limitation amounts for fault claims a year from danger crossing; the legal periods of limitation for the resort claim after §478 Civil Code remain untouched. Compared with enterprisers is valid as an arrangement about the state of the product only our own information and the product descriptions of the manufacturer which were included in the contract; for public statements of the manufacturer or other advertising statements we assume no liability. If the delivered thing falls short, we provide towards enterprisers first after our choice guarantee by removal of the lack (finishing touches) or by delivery of a thing free of lack (spare delivery). The preceding restrictions and term shortening are not valid for claims on the basis of damages which were caused by us, our legal representatives or fulfilment assistants by injury of the life, the body or the health by deliberate or roughly careless duty injury as well as guile by injury of essential contract duties whose fulfilment generally only allows the proper realisation of the contract and may trust in their observance of the contracting partners regularly (cardinal’s duties) within the scope of a guarantee promise, as far as agreed so far the range of application of the product liability law is opened. You find information too if necessary to valid additional guarantees and their exact conditions in each case with the product and on special sides of information in the online shop.
The supplier fulfils the contractual obligations being incumbent upon him with all compulsory care and in the interest of the customer. The parties are aware that it can come for technical reasons for slight short deliveries more or from up to 10%. Also, in addition, a merely slight decrease of the usefulness remains except consideration and does not entitle the customer to the assertion of any guarantee rights. With a considerable short delivery the supplier to the customer provides a suitable credit. A postproduction or similar is excluded. With a Mehrlieferung this is calculated to the customer accordingly.
The suppliers guarantees that the products provided by him and achievements have the agreed state or with danger crossing – as far as an arrangement about the state was not met itself – the products and achievements for according to the contract presumed or they are suited for the usual use and show a state which are usual with things of the same kind and which the customer can expect in the kind of the thing.
ine about that going out guarantee is not taken over. The supplier no guarantee also grants no matter what kind. While printing customary and technically inevitable tolerance in the colour, quality, material, light fastness, changeability and divergence of the material colours and printing inks as well as the weight is no occasion for objections of the customer. The corresponding is also valid for colour divergences between presentation and reproductions as well as between pressures and the edition pressure. If provided products at customer wish are to be provided by the supplier with laser inscriptions, in particular laser engravings, certain contrast variations and/or colour variations can originate on the basis of product-related circumstances as for example of the material composition of natural materials also within a serial production. For such colour variations of the engraving contrasts the supplier can take over no guarantee of. The customers is obliged to check this immediately and with the compulsory care on receipt of the delivered products. Any defects are immediate to the supplier to indicate 5 working days after knowledge acquisition at the latest, however. Same is also valid for such defects which become recognizabl only at a later time. If the display of a lack ceases within this term, the delivered product is valid as approved.
In case of a lack to be represented by the supplier it stays empty to the supplier to remove the lack after his choice at own expenses (finishing touches) or in the exchange against the defective product a spare delivery to carry out. If the fault removal misses 2-times, the customer can withdraw after his choice from the contract or require decrease of the purchase price. The costs originating in the course of finishing touches, in particular road costs and carriage, the supplier carries only if the customer has not spent the products delivered to him to another place than to the place to which first the products have been sent. The supplier bears the costs of a spare delivery. The spare delivery occurs provisory of an other agreement between the parties basically to the place to which first the products have been sent.
Not free sent Retouren (returns) are not accepted by the supplier provisory of an explicit written approval basically. Regardless of that the supplier will refund the costs resulted on this occasion for the customer in case of an entitled return, as far as this after her height from objective view at the sending time might seem objective justified. The supplier will not complain of back end costs to the lowest sentence basically. Every return must be tuned to begin with between the parties in writing. The guarantee term amounts a year with delivery of the (contract) in each case to concrete products to the customer.
Being the customer of enterprisers, the guarantee is excluded for second-hand goods.
Being the customer of consumers, the guarantee term is limited for used goods to a year.
For claims on the basis of the damages which were caused by us, our legal representatives or fulfilment assistants we always stick unrestrictedly by injury of the life, the body or the health, by deliberate or roughly careless duty injury, with guarantee promise, as far as agreed, or as far as the range of application of the product liability law is opened. By injury of the essential contract duties whose fulfilment generally only allows the proper realisation of the contract and may trust in their observance of the contracting partners regularly, (cardinal’s duties) by light carelessness of us, our legal representatives or fulfilment assistants the liability is limited after the height to the damage predictable with contract end on whose origin typically must be calculated. For the rest, claims to compensation are excluded.
Prohibition of assignment and pledging
Claims or rights of the customer against the supplier may not be resigned without his approval or be pledged, unless the customer has proved a legitimate interest in the cession or Pledging.
Severability clause
The ineffectiveness of a regulation of these Terms and Conditions has no effects on the effectiveness of the other regulations.
Conversion of the ODR directive
online quarrel settlement according to article. 14 paragraphs 1 ODR-VO
The European Commission provides a platform to the online quarrel settlement (OS) which you here find Consumers have the possibility to use this platform for the settlement of her disputes. We are not obliged to the settlement of disputes from a contractual relationship with a consumer or about whether such a contractual relationship exists generally to the participation in quarrel settlement procedure before a consumer arbitration place. Responsibly the general consumer arbitration place of the centre for arbitration is an inc., Strasbourg street 8, 77694 Kehl on the Rhine, We will take part in a quarrel settlement procedure before this place voluntarily.
Final regulations
Being you enterpriser, is valid German right to the exclusion of the UN-purchase right. If you are a businessman for the purposes of the code of commercial law, a legal entity of the public right or public law special property, is exclusive legal venue for all disputes from contractual relationships between us and you our place of business.
The contract is written into German. The other realisation of the contract respect occurs into German. It finds exclusively the right of the Federal Republic of Germany application. This is valid for consumer only in this respect when thereby no legal regulations of the state are limited in whom the customer has his residence or usual stay. Legal venue is with disputes with customers who are no consumer, legal entity of the public right or public law special property, seat of the supplier.